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Explorations in the Character of God

Andrew Wilson


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Explorations in the Character of God

Andrew Wilson


There is no greater pursuit, no greater journey, and no greater joy than discovering the extraordinary character of God.

Incomparable explores sixty names and descriptions of our creator. Each chapter is filled with profound Biblical insights and revelations that will inspire and enrich your faith. Selah moments allow for a time of reflection and worship. And practical applications connect each truth with your daily life. Throughout, Incomparable unfolds the greatest wonder our minds and hearts will ever contemplate.

Immerse yourself in His character. Delve into the depths of His presence. And experience a God that is truly beyond compare.

“Reading this is like sucking in lungfuls of mountain air. There is a craving for beauty, vastness and wonder that shallow books cannot satisfy. What people gasp for is God, the real God, the God of the Bible, Andrew does not domesticate Him, trivialise Him or dumb Him down. Buy and read. Then read it again.”

Joel Virgo, Senior Pastor of Emmanuel, Brighton

“Bite-sized chunks of great theology that will inform the mind and inspire the heart of worship.”

Tim Hughes, International worship leader; vicar of Gas Street Birmingham

“Clearly written, full of truth, and containing a wealth of helpful illustrations, this book is accessible theology that will draw you into the worship of God.”

John Hosier, Senior leader in New Frontiers for over forty years

A bright and lively presentation of a magnificent theme. Your life will be greatly enriched by working through this excellent volume.”

Terry Virgo, Founder of New Frontiers; author of God's Treasured Possession

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    Andrew Wilson

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Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson (PhD, King’s College London) is the teaching pastor at King’s Church London and a columnist for Christianity Today. He is the author of several books, including Unbreakable and The Life You Never Expected (with his wife, Rachel).

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Overall rating

4.7 based on 3 reviews


The longer I am in the ministry the more I am convinced that the root solution to many pastoral problems is the knowledge of God. This is not a new insight but it seems to be a truth that has to be rediscovered by each generation of Christians (and pastors) after we have exhausted all other therapies, including those based on scripture. Therefore, the republication of Andrew Wilson’s “Incomparable” (first published by Kingsway in 2007) is to be warmly welcomed. It is, as the introduction “unashamedly” declares, a book about God. It is set out in four sections or “explorations”, each of which is divided into very short chapters of no more than three pages each. The first section, “The Being of God” deals with his existence, and ideas such as that he is unknowable yet knowable. The second section explains the meanings of the various names God is given in the Old Testament. Section three explores the Trinity. Finally, section four looks at the attributes of God. Wilson ministers within Charismatic circles (as testified by those recommending the book) and this comes across at times, for example, in the chapter entitled “Yahweh–Your–Healer”. However, if the footnotes are anything to go by, Wilson has clearly read widely and deeply. The book would be most helpful to anyone who has no grounding in theology at all. For a more challenging read I would recommend Matthew Barrett’s “None Greater”. A particular strength of Wilson is his desire to evoke worship from doctrine. Peppered throughout the book are short pauses (“selah” moments they are called) which encourage the reader to stop and praise the God who has just been described.

Ian Watson


This book is briliant. 60 short chapters based on Biblical texts bring out an attribute of God. It combines rigorous theology with worship. It is very accessible and the short chapters encourage devotional use. Highly recommended.

Stephen Ayre


When I first picked this book up, I was slightly intimidated by it. It seemed like it was going to be a heavy theological book that I, as a teenager, would never be able to get anything out of. I have seldom been so happy to be mistaken. In each of the short chapters, Andrew Wilson provides a simple, Biblical insight into a different aspect of God’s character. I would highly recommend that everyone reads this, taking in a chapter or two at a time. This book has equipped me with really helpful ways of discussing aspects of God with my non–Christian friends, my Sunday School class, and my mature Christian brothers and sisters. This book will fill your heart with gratitude and praise for our God: He truly is incomparable!

Asha Joseph

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