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Hope in the Face of Suffering

20 Devotions for Tough Times

Jeremy Marshall



Hope in the Face of Suffering

20 Devotions for Tough Times

Jeremy Marshall


Since being diagnosed with incurable cancer, Jeremy Marshall has been known for his ability to connect the difficulties that Christians face in this life with the deep-seated joy that is found in knowing the Lord Jesus.

Hope in the Face of Suffering — his first devotional, based upon his ‘Lift Up Your Hearts’ GAFCON broadcasts — offers twenty inspirational messages for tough times.

Jeremy helps readers apply the principles he has learned through his own experience of dealing with terminal cancer. He holds out the message of hope in the Bible — the medicine cabinet where we can find treatment for our suffering — and meditates on God’s promises, which are like a rock upon which we can stand secure. 

As with Jeremy's previous book, this has been written in a way that is not only helpful for Christians but is also accessible for our non-Christian friends.

 "All of us will face suffering at some point in our lives. In this brilliant and candid devotional guide, Jeremy draws on his experience of an incurable cancer diagnoses to journey through the Bible with us. He offers 20 daily readings. What an encouragement to face up to fear and encounter Christ through his word. I highly recommend this as a practical resource in times of difficulty whatever you may be going through." Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, President, OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics

"This is a magnificent book. I already have a list of friends to whom I plan to send it. It will be an immense help and an encouragement to so many friends and relatives who are engulfed in fear and suffering." William Taylor, Rector, St Helen's Bishopsgate, London

"This warm-hearted book of devotions has been forged in the fires of personal suffering. What has emerged is a series of reflections ranging across all of Scripture which acknowledges the tough times but points consistently to the Lord Jesus. Here is the medicine of the gospel dispensed with care and compassion. I warmly commend these short studies." Revd Canon Angus MacLeay Rector St Nicholas Sevenoaks

“This pandemic has caused us all to wake up to the reality of suffering and death. It has posed the question, “Do I have a philosophy of life that copes with death?” Thankfully Jeremy Marshall helps us get the roof on before the storm hits. And please don't assume that he writes from some ivory tower, he has lived with an incurable cancer diagnosis for 5 years, so he has the credentials to walk us through the Bible's story of hope, which wonderfully assures us that the worst thing is never the last thing.” Rico Tice, Associate Minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, Co-author of Christianity Explored

“Every human being will face suffering and death. Writing with searing honesty from the crucible of his experience with incurable cancer, Jeremy Marshall shares the sure and certain hope that can be found in Christ. These twenty short but profound meditations reflect on biblical characters and passages that remind us that, whilst we might not understand the reasons for our suffering, we have a good and wise sovereign God who has defeated death through the resurrection of Jesus, and who promises us an eternal glory that will outweigh all our suffering if we entrust ourselves to him. This book will comfort those enduring suffering, prepare those who are not yet suffering to face whatever lies ahead, and equip readers to bring solid hope to the suffering. It will also serve as an excellent and accessible evangelistic resource to give to others.” John Stevens, National Director FIEC

  • Title

    Hope in the Face of Suffering

  • Author(s)

    Jeremy Marshall

  • Series

    Beyond the Big C

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher


  • Topic

    Suffering & Loss, Death & Eternity

  • Audience


  • Pages


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Jeremy Marshall

Jeremy Marshall

Jeremy Marshall (1963-2023) was former CEO of the UK’s oldest private bank, C. Hoare & Co. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2015 and used his illness as an opportunity to share the gospel through his speaking engagements and books. He was married to Jeanette and had 3 children. He died on 13th August 2023.

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5.0 based on 3 reviews

Hope in the Face of Suffering

A whistle–stop tour of the Bible, focusing on suffering, and how we can have hope in spite of it. These are so helpful, and helped to lift my eyes back to God.

Bethan Lycett

Hope in the Face of Suffering

In 20 short, simple chapters Jeremy takes the reader through Genesis, Job, the Psalms, 2 Kings, the Gospels and finally Revelation.  He reminds us that suffering and death were not part of the original plan but is a result of the fall.  Suffering can be bewildering and overwhelming but the gospel gives us hope. The book is accessible, encouraging and very, very real.  He points us back again and again in the book to the ultimate answer to pain and suffering, God Himself.  In the midst of suffering God’s promises become real, His word speaks to us in new ways and we look to him for grace and strength.  As Corrie Ten Boom says in ‘The Hiding Place’: ‘I only realised that Christ was all I needed when Christ was all I had.’  This a great little book and so appropriate for the time in which we are living.  When people are asking questions about fear, death and suffering, why not give them this little book and point them to the God who suffered and died and will one day wipe away every tear for those who are in Christ.  Why not think about buying multiple copies and sending them to family and friends?  This book has been a great help to me, and I am confident that it will be a great comfort to you too.

Andy Murray, Free Church Books

Hope in the Face of Suffering

Thoughtful, well written and Biblical set of 20 very helpful devotional thoughts. Ideal as 20 daily devotions for anyone, but especially for someone going through tough times.

Phil Griffin

Also in this series

Jeremy Marshall 2 Pack
Beyond the Big C

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