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The Grace of Gratitude

Paul Mallard


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The Grace of Gratitude

Paul Mallard


Gratitude can sometimes feel like thank you letters to half-remembered relatives. We know that we should be grateful, but it can be so hard on the days when life feels unbearable – after another day of chronic illness or relationship breakdown or numbing bereavement. We try to be thankful for all things in our lives, but when things go wrong, bitterness and complaints creep in.

The Grace of Gratitude teaches us how to turn our groaning and grumbling into gratitude and gladness. Through the Israelites’ song of gratitude in Psalm 66, we catch glimpses of the God who parts the waves and whose plans are always for our good. We can learn to choose joy in the unshakable character of God and gratitude for what he has poured into our lives, no matter what the circumstances.

Paul Mallard shows us that real gratitude sings through the storms and the darkest days and is stronger than anything that life can throw at it.

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    The Grace of Gratitude

  • Author(s)

    Paul Mallard

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  • Topic

    Life's Challenges

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Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard

Paul Mallard is Director for the West Midlands FIEC and the chair of FIEC's Theology Team, helping churches and leaders to think through the key theological challenges facing us in 21st Century Britain.

Paul retired from full-time ministry at Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath in 2022. He speaks at numerous Christian events and has trained a generation of church workers. His wife Edrie’s story is told movingly in Invest Your Disappointments (IVP, 2013). Paul and Edrie are parents and grandparents.

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Overall rating

4.0 based on 3 reviews

The Grace of Gratitude

This short book could be read in an hour, but would certainly be worthwhile reading more thoughtfully and taking time to consider the questions at the end of each chapter and the links to other relevant portions of Scripture. All in all, this is a very helpful book.

Ruth Burke, Evangelical Times

The Grace of Gratitude

The Grace of Gratitude is a wonderful little book, short enough to get through in a couple of hours. By focusing on Psalm 66 Paul Mallard gives a winsome reminder of the importance the gratitude in the life of the believer. He shows how we can thank God and sing his praise whatever the circumstances we are facing. Paul Mallard weaves real–life illustrations throughout his exegesis of Psalm 66. As he does so he shows that even though, “we cannot control our circumstances, we can control our responses. Gratitude is a choice.” We might find it hard to believe or appreciate that we can chose to respond to gratitude. There are times when our feelings to situations seem out of control or overwhelming. But with great sensitivity Paul Mallard shows us that we can delight in all that God has done for us. We need to lift our eyes off ourselves and back onto our sovereign, saving God. In a year that has been so difficult for so many, in a variety of different ways this book is necessary challenge to turn our grumbling to gratitude and see all the ways God is working for our good and his glory in our lives. Review submitted to Free Church Books

Rachel Sloan, Charlotte Chapel & FIEC

The Grace of Gratitude

Paul Mallard leads us in meditating on Psalm 66 to be grateful to God for what he has done for us. The experience of Hezekiah and Judah being saved from the Assyrians points forward to the great rescue we have received in Jesus Christ. There are five short chapters in a book of 57 pages, each with questions for reflection. For the next edition it would help if the whole psalm was printed either at the start or end.

Stephen Ayre

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