Our lives are a mix of difficulties, laughter and delight, of satisfying moments, seemingly hopeless situations and unanswerable questions. Nature’s beauty inspires our wonder today, but its power may break our bodies tomorrow. What will steady our faith in God, and help it to grow, when life is like that?
Far from wanting us to live in a make-believe world, the call of God’s word is to see the reality of what God is doing in the lives of millions of people. Scripture tells us that, right now, he is working out his long-term plan for bringing many sons and daughters to full maturity in his Son, Jesus Christ. The more we understand the revelation of his plan, and the character of the one who has decided to bring us on a journey through this world of brokenness and beauty, the more we will be drawn to follow him in obedience, love and trust.
These 365 one-page readings focus on Christ’s work as the captain of our salvation, on the way he journeys with his redeemed, and finally on the wisdom and love of the Father who planned it all.
This book is equal to a full year at any theological college. I realize more than ever why so many of my friends have been mentored by Dr Gooding.
— George Verwer DD — Founder of Operation Mobilisation
David Gooding's insight reflect a lifetime of careful and detailed study of the Scriptures. He asks penetrating questions and shows how the Bible answers the longings God has placed in all humanity. Nor is he an armchair academic. It is clear we are reading a man who has fallen in love with the glory and majesty of God. Bringing Us to Glory moved me to a greater love for our risen Lord who sacrificed everything for us and our salvation. It is a must read!
— Rebeca Manley Pippert — Author of Stay Salt
Dr David Gooding’s commentaries, which have been used in this new devotional, have greatly enhanced my own preaching and teaching ministry. My wife has also profited from them in her daily devotional reading. I always recommend his books to young scholars and Bible teachers, and I am very happy to do the same for this new collection.
— Alexander Strauch — Author of Biblical Eldership
Bringing Us To Glory