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The Heart of God

Praying the Scriptures to Expand Your Vision

Kenneth Boa


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The Heart of God

Praying the Scriptures to Expand Your Vision

Kenneth Boa



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When grounded in Scripture, prayer can be especially effective, not just for the person praying, but for all those he or she could bless through words and action. Guiding readers through ninety days of Scripture-based prayer, The Heart of God challenges readers to move beyond their own lives and pray for the concerns of others.

Each day Bible verses and prayer prompters are provided to encourage and direct readers through prayers of praise and worship, confession, personal commitment, biblical affirmation, and thanksgiving. A concluding prayer and verse are also given at the end of each day to help readers reflect on their words. Together these prayers give readers an active role in sharing their faith and promoting change in their churches, communities, and world.

 What others are saying about The Heart of God:

"A great way to refresh and deepen daily devotions."  Julian Hardyman, Pastor and author of Fresh Pathways in Prayer

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    The Heart of God

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    Kenneth Boa

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Kenneth Boa

Kenneth Boa

Kenneth Boa is an author, a speaker, and the president of Reflections Ministries. He is a contributing editor to the Open Bible, the Promise Keepers Men's Study Bible, and the Leadership Bible, and is the consulting editor of the Zondervan NASB Study Bible. Boa earned a BS from Case Institute of Technology, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a PhD from New York University, and a DPhil from the University of Oxford. He teaches a weekly Bible and Faith study at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, where he resides with his wife.

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Overall rating

4.8 based on 5 reviews

The Heart of God

If you want a book to help guide your prayers then this is a wonderful place to start. This book doesn’t tell you what to pray, it points you to the Word of God, and from there prompts you with things you might choose to pray about. This book has helped me get out of the list type prayers (where I bring a list of people and problems to God) and instead start with God and see where my prayers go from there. Inevitably there will be clear opportunities to pray for those in need, or situations that require guidance, but more than that they take me to the heart of God.

Bethan Lycett

The Heart of God

Perhaps the most valuable, and the most critical, concept of the whole book is that every page is crammed full of verses from the Bible. Each reflection is geared towards scripture, quoted in full asking the reader to pause at each station and reflect on what God is saying through His Word. There surely can be nothing more worthwhile than to read scripture each day and apply it to the daily needs of the reader and those with whom he comes in contact. To praise God; examine yourself in the light of His Word; to commit yourself to Him and then to intercede both for yourself and others with thanksgiving is a gift from heaven. This is a treasure trove of living words that can transform your daily walk with God.

Ruth Aird

The Heart of God

I had been making very little time to pray and this book has helped me get started with prayer again. I’ve found it helpful that there are 90 days – it feels a bit like a fitness program target! I’m given a structure each day, with wonderful things to thank God for and great things to ask God for. I now look forward to spending a little bit of time talking to my heavenly father each day.


The Heart of God

A devotional style book, this has three months worth of material to help you pray through the scriptures.  I am finding this book really interesting, as my prayers are normally quite freestyle, so this is challenging me to increase their content and form.  In the introduction the author explains that over the centuries people have tended to two extremes - either excessive form (too repetitive) or excessive freedom (whatever comes to mind). If you find yourself in one of those categories with your prayers then give this book a try.  Each day has some scripture to read and pray and also some questions to inspire prayer around that scripture, so it is a good mix of form and freedom.

Rachel Ridler

The Heart of God

Instead of teaching you about prayer, or writing prayers down, this book give you Bible passages everyday and asks you to reflect on them and pray them back to God. This book gives you three months worth of short devotionals that will enrich your prayer life. There are 7 sections to each day… Praise and worship Personal examination Commitment Personal concerns Concerns for others Prayer of thanksgiving Concluding prayer Under each section you’re given at least one, if not more, Bible verses and Boa leaves a reflection question or statement for you to ponder. These will fill your heart with the praises of God, lift your eyes to His glory, help you see your own sinfulness and limitations and it will help you to depend on God more. This is a very different kind of book, but it really helps you think about how you pray without being ‘teachy’. Praying Scripture back to God is a wonderful discipline to get into, why not pick yourself up a copy here and get started?

Alistair Chalmers

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