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Praying for the World: Understanding God's Heart for the Nations

30 Undated Devotions

J Hudson Taylor, J Oswald Sanders, James Fraser and Will Bruce


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Praying for the World: Understanding God's Heart for the Nations

30 Undated Devotions

J Hudson Taylor, J Oswald Sanders, James Fraser and Will Bruce



10+ for £4.19 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £3.59 each (saving 40%)

100+ for £3.00 each (saving 50%)

Sometimes we can struggle to remember God’s instruction for us to be involved in his mission to the world through prayer. Maybe our prayers for missionary friends have become stale or maybe we’ve simply forgotten that praying for the world should be our priority. However we feel we’re doing with praying for the world this devotional booklet will warm our hearts and inspire our prayers with great truths from God’s Word.

These 30 devotions are authored by experienced Bible teachers and mission workers J. Oswald Sanders, James O. Fraser, and Will Bruce and daily reflections are written by J. Hudson Taylor. Their first-hand experience of missionary work helps them to write with infectious passion and energy. Why not keep this booklet with your Bible for when you need encouragement and motivation to help you to pray for God’s kingdom to come across the globe.

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5.0 based on 1 review

Praying for the World: Understanding God's Heart for the Nations

This brief book (of 106 pages) is, in its simplicity and directness, a profound exposition on the subject of prayer. The title and subtitle (Understanding God’s heart for the nations) is somewhat ambiguous until one gets into the real intention of the book which appears to be an expansion of Dr Bruce’s earlier work, ‘World Prayer’. Most Christians of any length of experience would consider that they have a good understanding of the topic of prayer and probably have many good books on the subject. Equally, such Christians probably have a keen passion for souls, the support of missionaries and an awareness of those nations where persecution is rife. BUT this book goes much further than anything that I have previously studied. The book is a careful compilation of extracts from the writings of Hudson Taylor, Oswald Sanders, James Fraser and Will Bruce – All spiritual stalwarts of OMF. These four men reveal a faith forged in the furnaces of affliction, the school of hard knocks, the city of frustration and the university of severe hardship. They know, first hand, what they have written about. In three sections of a total of 60 short chapters (one a day) and over 150 subsections, we are given a series of very practical home-truths about prayer. A few brief extracts must suffice: ‘Self-centredness dies hard.’ ‘Without a prayer-cultivated relationship with God we are liable to be doing our own work in our own way and asking God to bless.’ ‘If prayer is meagre it is because it is supplemental and not fundamental.’ ‘Prayer is not pious day-dreaming; it is spiritual warfare.’ Finally, an extract from Dr Will Bruce: [Rather than] ‘waiting for crisis problems to develop which result in panic praying for others [we should] pray Spirit-led, thoughtful, caring prayers before the problems overwhelm them... We need to engage in major battles, not just minor skirmishes... We need to pray both defensively and offensively.’ This is a very simple book to read but its messages are both profound and very practical. Every Christian should have a copy for regular reference!

Ray Tolley

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