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On My Way To Heaven

Facing death with Christ

Mark Ashton


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On My Way To Heaven

Facing death with Christ

Mark Ashton



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50+ for £1.00 each (saving 67%)


Is it really possible to face the final stages of our earthly lives with confidence and without fear?

Mark Ashton describes his own experience of imminent death from inoperable cancer.

Real confidence, he explains, is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ — an event which, even though it happened 2,000 years ago, has profound implications for us today!

"If you will die one day, please read this book. I had the privilege of watching Mark die from a distance, getting his email updates as he walked toward his death. He taught me the Bible for seven years and married me to my husband, but what I most frequently remember today is how Mark modelled how to die. This book preserves that witness. Buy it. Read it. Give it away."

 Rebecca McLaughlin, author of A Secular Creed and Confronting Christianity

This booklet is designed to be given away in vast numbers. Please consider buying this in large numbers.

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    On My Way To Heaven

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    Mark Ashton

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  • Topic

    Death & Eternity

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Mark Ashton

Mark Ashton

Mark Ashton (1948-2010) was the Pastor of the Round Church in Cambridge. He was one of the most influential evangelical pastor-teachers of his generation.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 11 reviews

A short book that helps us look forward with hope at our reality in Christ

Mark Ashton lived for 15 months from when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This book shows his raw thought process since his diagnosis as he thought about meeting Christ. He urges us to think about death biblically so that we don't grieve as those who have no hope. He shares this in his book: 'It is my prayer for my family and friends, that my death will be for them all a great strengthening and clarifying of their relationship with Jesus'. This will be such a helpful book both to the dying and the grieving.

On My Way To Heaven

When I learned of Mark Ashton’s terminal cancer, a friend working at the church he led (St Andrew the Great in Cambridge) wrote to me, “now we will see the benefits of good theology”. It was a notion that stayed with me, and proved true as Mark boldly preached the Gospel as his death approached. The recounting of his experience is extremely helpful, both in facing the unpleasant realities of health decline, but with clarity around the hope the believer has in our crucified and risen Lord. I leave these in the back of church for people to take away free, and they go with some regularity. They are especially helpful for those who face terminal cancer. The one caution is that Mark was so happy to be with the Lord Jesus that this could be a shock to those who are following the ‘fight heroically to the end’ mode. In this, I think that Mark’s line is provocatively correct and carefully addressed in the booklet. However, I note it to family members that his aim is to encourage looking ahead to heaven not living at all costs.

Clifford Swartz

Excellent resource, especially for those with

When I learned of Mark Ashton’s terminal cancer, a friend working at the church he led (St Andrew the Great in Cambridge) wrote to me, “now we will see the benefits of good theology”. It was a notion that stayed with me, and proved true as Mark boldly preached the Gospel as his death approached. The recounting of his experience is extremely helpful, both in facing the unpleasant realities of health decline, but with clarity around the hope the believer has in our crucified and risen Lord. I leave these in the back of church for people to take away free, and they go with some regularity. They are especially helpful for those who face terminal cancer. The one caution is that Mark was so happy to be with the Lord Jesus that this could be a shock to those who are following the ‘fight heroically to the end’ mode. In this, I think that Mark’s line is provocatively correct and carefully addressed in the booklet. However, I note it to family members that his aim is to encourage looking ahead to heaven not living at all costs.

Clifford Swartz

On My Way To Heaven

I just read the text of this at . It's a marvel of clarity, conviction, urgency, hope and joy. I'm just about to put in an order. There are people facing death in my own congregation who need to hear this.

Jeremy Leffler

On My Way To Heaven

Really inspiring way to help christians handle death,thanks

sylvia watchorn

On My Way To Heaven

I bought a copy for myself and one for my mum who knew Mark. Sorry, Mum but I've given both away! Buying more to give to the staff at the nursing home where my dad is to explain to them about the hope we have. Can't recommend highly enough!

Bethan Parmenter

On My Way To Heaven

This is a great little book. Straight forward and to the point, it shows that, as in his life, Mark uses his death to bring glory to the Lord Jesus whom he loved and served. This short epistle will challenge all who read it to consider again their relationship with Jesus.

Tony Rae


I just read the text of this at <>. It's a marvel of clarity, conviction, urgency, hope and joy. I'm just about to put in an order. There are people facing death in my own congregation who need to hear this.

Jeremy Leffler


Really inspiring way to help christians handle death,thanks

sylvia watchorn


I bought a copy for myself and one for my mum who knew Mark. Sorry, Mum but I've given both away! Buying more to give to the staff at the nursing home where my dad is to explain to them about the hope we have. Can't recommend highly enough!

Bethan Parmenter

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