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Before you say "I don't believe"

Roger Carswell



Before you say "I don't believe"

Roger Carswell



10+ for £6.29 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £5.39 each (saving 40%)

50+ for £4.50 each (saving 50%)

100+ for £2.00 each (saving 78%)

It has become fashionable to believe that Christians are deluded, naive, following myths; and that science has debunked the need for God in society today.

But Christian faith is not a leap in the dark. It is founded on so much evidence that the non–believer is the one who has questions to answer.

In Before you say ‘I don’t believe’, Christian speaker and writer, Roger Carswell, asks 34 questions to those who don’t believe. They are not the questions usually aired in the media, but they are posed not to cause an argument, but to bring readers to the point where they put their trust in Jesus.

Be warned: it will take courage to openly read this book, but if you do, it may change your life!

  • Title

    Before you say "I don't believe"

  • Author(s)

    Roger Carswell

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  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


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Roger Carswell

Roger Carswell

Roger Carswell works full-time speaking to students and adults about the believability of the Christian faith and its relevance to the modern world. He is married to Dot and they have four children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Before you say I don’t believe

In the interests of full disclosure, I must acknowledge that one of Roger Carswell’s earlier books, Grill a Christian, is one of my favourite books to give to non–Christians. If you have read that earlier book, you will know exactly what to expect in coming to Before You Say…, which I think is a very good thing. Very timely The book feels very timely for Christians who are fed up of being told that what they believe is irrational or out of date. It is written with the conviction that the Christian faith isn’t the one that needs to be defended – the evidence is overwhelming – rather, it’s those who don’t believe who need to answer the questions asked in the book. It’s a refreshing approach and one that is executed in an extremely accessible way. Full of anecdotes Each of the 34 short chapters begins with a question which is followed by an explanation from a Christian perspective. The book is full of useful anecdotes and real–life stories which makes it very engaging and easy to read. It’s the sort of book that can either be read straight through, or used as a reference when issues come up. There are regular encouragements for the reader not just to take the author’s word for it, but to study what the Bible says for themselves. This book is a great resource to give to ‘spiritual’ people, those who are seeking to understand something of what the Christian faith is about. It is also a great resource for Christians who feel beaten down by the prevailing secularism and new atheism of our day, as it will bolster their confidence in the truth of the Bible and prepare them to answer some of the questions non–Christians might ask. It’s the sort of book you’ll want to buy a few copies of – one for yourself and a couple to keep handy for giving away.

Andrew Wigham, pastor of Yateley Baptist Church

A very good thing

In the interests of full disclosure, I must acknowledge that one of Roger Carswell's earlier books, Grill a Christian, is one of my favourite books to give to non-Christians. If you have read that earlier book, you will know exactly what to expect in coming to Before You Say..., which I think is a very good thing. Very timely The book feels very timely for Christians who are fed up of being told that what they believe is irrational or out of date. It is written with the conviction that the Christian faith isn't the one that needs to be defended; the evidence is overwhelming ; rather, it's those who don't believe who need to answer the questions asked in the book. It's a refreshing approach and one that is executed in an extremely accessible way. Full of anecdotes Each of the 34 short chapters begins with a question which is followed by an explanation from a Christian perspective. The book is full of useful anecdotes and real-life stories which makes it very engaging and easy to read. It's the sort of book that can either be read straight through, or used as a reference when issues come up. There are regular encouragements for the reader not just to take the author's word for it, but to study what the Bible says for themselves. This book is a great resource to give to "spiritual"; people, those who are seeking to understand something of what the Christian faith is about. It is also a great resource for Christians who feel beaten down by the prevailing secularism and new atheism of our day, as it will bolster their confidence in the truth of the Bible and prepare them to answer some of the questions non-Christians might ask. It's the sort of book you'll want to buy a few copies of- one for yourself and a couple to keep handy for giving away.

Andrew Wigham, pastor of Yateley Baptist Church

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