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Key Bible Concepts

David Gooding and John Lennox



Key Bible Concepts

David Gooding and John Lennox


We are awaiting stock on this item. Available 31/10/2025

How can one book be so widely appreciated and so contested? Millions revere it and many ridicule it, but the Bible is often not allowed to speak for itself. Key Bible Concepts explores and clarifies the central terms of the Christian gospel. Gooding and Lennox provide succinct explanations of the basic vocabulary of Christian thought to unlock the Bible’s meaning and its significance for today.

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David Gooding

David Gooding

David W. Gooding (1925–2019) was Professor Emeritus of Old Testament Greek at Queen’s University, Belfast and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. He had taught the Bible internationally and lectured on its relevance to philosophy and world religions.

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John Lennox

John Lennox

John Lennox is a Northern Irish mathematician, philosopher of science, Christian apologist, and Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 3 reviews

Key Bible Concepts

This book covers a list of ‘Key Concepts’ that are unique to the Christian bible – that makes the bible different from other religious books and philosophies. There are not many (any ?) recent books that deal with these topics, and for anyone interested on finding out what makes the bible special (it is a best seller after all, and for many centuries), there is no better book. Specially useful for readers from a non–christian society.


Key Bible Concepts

An excellent job at explaining the important biblical concepts related to salvation. I think it would be an excellent book for someone who is searching for God, and an excellent book for a christian who wants to get the proper outlook and perspective on life. Dr. Gooding is a very intelligent man who has an amazing grasp on things from God’s perspective. However, in this book, he has written in a very straight forward and down to earth manner. I personally have benefited and learned from this book.

Mr Burlow

Key Bible Concepts

This is a great book. Ideal to give to new Christians and one which I think is key for those wanting to get doctrine straight in their heart, mind and lives. I'm going to be recommending this to as many people as possible because I think it's brilliant.

Jonathan Carswell

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