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Reach out for him

Knowing the Unknown God

Gary Benfold



Reach out for him

Knowing the Unknown God

Gary Benfold




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Is there a God? Can we know God? Where does the world come from? Hasn’t science disproved God? Does God need us? Do we need God? Are humans just animals?

Engaging the reader from Acts 17, Gary Benfold succinctly provides biblical answers to these and other questions asked by non–Christians. Graphically illustrated throughout in full colour.

  • Title

    Reach out for him

  • Author(s)

    Gary Benfold

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Day One

  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Reach out for him

We reside in a post–modern era where the most recent generation have largely been raised in a biblically illiterate environment but are still spiritually curious. Some of them have a pick and mix approach to religion and are spiritual shoppers. The parallels between our contemporary society and Paul in Athens abound. In Paul’s masterful sermon he explained to the Athenians who the unknown God was and that the Lord is the Creator, that repentance is required from everyone and that there is a day of judgement through the Man who was raised from the dead. Acts 17:16–34 is applied in a question and answer format and is amply illustrated with plenty of photos making it an attractive and an accessible resource. If someone is spiritually seeking or is asking questions, then this is a brilliant resource to give them.

Jonathan Taylor

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