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Hosea; A Mentor Commentary

John L Mackay

Hosea; A Mentor Commentary

John L Mackay



Like a wife unfaithful to her husband so Israel was unfaithful to the LORD. This is vividly illustrated in the book of Hosea where Hosea's own marriage represents Israel's relationship with the LORD. In worldly terms it appears that life is going well for God's people. The Northern Kingdom had been going through a time of great economic stability and security. However this does not lead the people of Israel to give thanks to the Lord who is the provider of such blessings but rather they fall straight into the arms of the heathen idol Baal. Despite their unfaithfulness, the Lord does not give up on them, but rather he speaks to them in grace and mercy. Through the use of metaphors, Hosea brings an uncomfortable yet vital message to warn them of impending judgment if they do not return to Yahweh, the one true God. Hosea shows that God's constant love and perfect judgment, when put together, restores his relationship with his people. This prophecy is a book of hope for us today because it reminds us of God's unfailing and faithful love for his people down through the ages even when they fail and fall so badly. Here is grace indeed!

John L Mackay

John L Mackay

Originally ordained and inducted as minister of Rosskeen Free Church in 1980, John Mackay was thereafter appointed as Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Studies at the Free Church College in 1983. He was appointed Principal in 2010. As well as his teaching role at the Free Church College, Prof. Mackay served the Free Church for many years as Senior Clerk of the General Assembly. A man of immense intellect, John L Mackay was a much sought after lecturer and the author of several Old Testament commentaries which have been highly valued by Bible students all over the world.

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