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The Word Became Fresh

How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts

Dale Ralph Davis



The Word Became Fresh

How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts

Dale Ralph Davis


“I am a bit puzzled over why many Christians seem to think the Old Testament is such a ‘problem.’ I know the usual answers to that, but I can find many of the same ‘difficulties’ with the New Testament. What I am not so puzzled about is why some pastors and teachers are perplexed about expounding Old Testament texts. For nearly two hundred years a skeptical brand of Old Testament criticism has largely held sway in our universities and divinity halls; it ‘un–godded’ the Old Testament, implied the Old Testament documents were extremely complex and involved, and managed to make Old Testament studies mostly boring, lifeless, and dull. Of course the occasional student finds this high priestly craft of Old Testament criticism attractive but many simply write the Old Testament off. If it’s as complicated as they have been taught then it is far too bewildering and esoteric for them to bother about – except for dipping into the Psalms for occasional funerals.

I’m not on a crusade against the villains of Old Testament studies. One learns even from the ‘villains.’ And there have been far more hopeful signs in Old Testament studies in recent years. But I still believe that traditional Old Testament criticism has had the effect of killing the Old Testament for the church. This little tome can hardly reverse that, but it is meant as an exercise in reading the Old Testament for fun and profit. As my mother–in–law used to say, ‘It’s different anyway.’ And maybe it will help.

Most of what I do in the following pages involves discussing examples of Old Testament narratives. I have tried to select examples from a broad range of possibilities. By the way, I assume that you have the biblical text handy in order to carry on your ‘Berean’ work.”Dale Ralph Davis

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Dale Ralph Davis

Dale Ralph Davis

Dale Ralph Davis is Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina. Prior to that he was pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi and Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.

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5.0 based on 1 review

The Word Became Fresh

This is one of the few theological books that I have read twice. I envisage reading a third time too. Chapter headings are: Approach Quirks Theology Packaging Nasties Appropriation Center Synthesis If you've ever downloaded one of DRD's sermons that are expositions of OT narrative, ie. stories, and wondered how he did it, then this books basically explains how. Some will not like his sense of humour. The same people will probably not like the same sense of humour that he identifies in much OT narrative. This is one of those top 10 books for preachers.

David Legg

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