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You Can Change

God's transforming power for our sinful behaviour and negative emotions

Tim Chester



You Can Change

God's transforming power for our sinful behaviour and negative emotions

Tim Chester



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For many years Tim Chester's powerful guide to change has brought hope to Christians seeking to fully live in the freedom offered by Christ. This new and revised edition gathers timeless wisdom from the Bible, and past generations of the Church, to empower readers in their pursuit of a Christ-centred life.

Over 10 chapters, You Can Change, sets out why Christians can and should expect change to be possible. It takes readers through common obstacles to change and then sets out how to prepare for the daily battle lasting change often requires. Throughout, it encourages an expectation of grace, forgiveness and strength from a God who loves us and wants to see us thrive.

Whether you are new to Christianity, a long-time Christian, or returning to faith, this book will provide you with an honest and practical guide to living a life that honours God and blesses those around you.

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    You Can Change

  • Author(s)

    Tim Chester

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    You Can Change

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Tim Chester

Tim Chester

Tim Chester is a pastor at Grace Church, Boroughbridge, UK, a tutor with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy, and is the author of over 30 books. He has a PhD in theology and was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund UK. He has been an adjunct lecturer in missiology and reformed spirituality. Tim is married to Helen and has two daughters.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

You Can Change

I loved this book. Chester deals helpfully and biblically with the topic of progressive sanctification. He encourages you to take one particular sinful habit or emotion and prayerfully work through the book with this sin in mind. At the start of the book he says “you will cleanse no sin from your life that you have not first recognised as being pardoned through the cross”, and this is truly the thrust of the book. We must see ourselves as forgiven, made new and set free in Christ and then we can see our sin through a gospel lens as we grow in holiness by God’s grace. One of my favourite things Chester says of sanctification is that “there’s something inevitable about it, because it’s God’s work and God always succeeds”. I found this book so encouraging and I saw a change in my behaviour and the counsel I give as a result of reading ‘You Can Change’.


Also in this series

You Can Change - Devotional
You Can Change

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