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5 Things to Pray for Your Heart

Prayers That Change You to Be More Like Jesus

Rachel Jones



5 Things to Pray for Your Heart

Prayers That Change You to Be More Like Jesus

Rachel Jones


Every Christian wants to be more like Jesus—and, wonderfully, that's what God wants for us too: "It is God’s will that you should be sanctified" (1 Thessalonians 4 v 3).

How will that happen? Only by asking God to transform us from the inside out—because real heart change comes not by our own willpower, but by the Spirit's power.

Too often though our prayer lives are reduced to shopping-list-style-requests or desperate pleas to get through the day. But this little guide will help you to pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth, in your own life or somebody else's. These are prayers your heavenly Father loves to answer—because they're based on his word.

Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a particular area of your Christian life. Because when we pray in line with God's priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that's a truly thrilling prospect.

Use this book to:
• Guide your prayers during your personal quiet times
• Kick-start your prayers for your own growth in godliness
• Pray meaningfully for your Christian spouse, family members or friends
• Equip your church small-group members to pray for one another more deeply

Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises.

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones is the author of Is This It? and the award-winning Five Things to Pray series, and an editor at The Good Book Company. She leads Bible studies for young adults and helps teach kids at her church, Chessington Evangelical Church, in Surrey, UK. Rachel studied History at Manchester University before joining TGBC.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

5 Things to Pray for Your Heart

The book looks at different areas of personal godliness - the fruit of the Spirit, different areas live for God and serve others (worship, friendship), different different trials of life you may go through. It gives helpful pointers of what to pray for from the Bible and is easy to use in personal prayers times.


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5 Things to Pray for Your World
5 Things to Pray for your Church
5 Things to Pray for Your Kids
5 Things to Pray for the People you Love
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5 Things to Pray for Your Spouse
5 Things to Pray for a Suffering Friend

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