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Christianity Explored Leader’s Handbook

What's the best news you've ever heard?

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored Leader’s Handbook

What's the best news you've ever heard?

Christianity Explored



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Christianity Explored gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the man at the heart of the Christian faith. The Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course, guiding them through, with plenty of space for notes and a section at the end which looks at the historical reliability of Mark’s Gospel.

Section 1 – How to run the course 

  • Getting started 
  • God’s role in evangelism – and ours 
  • How the course works 
  • Identity, mission and call in Mark’s Gospel 
  • What to do if… 

Section 2 – Handbook questions and answers 

Section 3 – Day Away Appendices – answers to tough questions

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored Ministries helps people to meet Jesus in the pages of the Bible. We publish a range of materials to introduce Jesus Christ to those who are unfamiliar with his message. If you're interested in running a Christianity Explored course with friends or at your church you can find more information on our Christianity Explored Ministries website.

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