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A Pastor Prays for His People

A collection of biblically inspired prayers for personal & corporate worship

Wendell C Hawley
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A Pastor Prays for His People

A collection of biblically inspired prayers for personal & corporate worship

Wendell C Hawley



10+ for £9.09 each (saving 30%)

25+ for £7.79 each (saving 40%)

100+ for £6.50 each (saving 50%)

We serve a God who teaches us to pray. And when we do, he knows, he cares, and he answers.

Drawing upon years of experience, Pastor Wendell C. Hawley provides a timeless collection of prayers to lead the church in bringing their praise, joys and struggles before the throne of God. A Pastor Prays for His People contains wise, thoughtful, and loving prayers for a year’s worth of Sundays and special occasions, including holidays, weddings, and funerals. Steeped in Scripture, these prayers can be used in public as well as private worship, prompting and encouraging all God’s people to pour out their hearts to him.

Selected Endorsements:

"What a delightful little collection of prayers for the various situations pastors like me face from week to week. Before I had even finished reading A Pastor Prays For His People I found myelf using it to pray for my people. Not only did I find the prayers helpful in articulating what to pray but I also found them edifying for my own soul personally. Reminiscent of the classic Puritan collection of Scripture, pastorally insightful and sensitive. What a wonderful spur to the ministry of prayer that all pastors are to give themselves to, and yet can find a struggle to persevere in. I will be using this great book regularly from now on to both to bless my own soul and my people's." Ray Brown, minister, East London Tabernacle Baptist Church

"Wendell Hawley’s book is a classic of its kind. Born in pastoral ministry, rooted in sound theology, and with a cadence and rhythm that delights both the mind and the heart. Read and enjoy." Josh Moody, senior pastor, College Church in Wheaton; president, God Centered Life Ministries

"This treasury of prayers is a written version of the author's inspiring prayers uttered in church services when he was in pastoral ministry. The prayers are in the tradition of uplifting sentiments and verbal beauty known in the English-speaking world through the Anglican Prayerbook. The uses of the prayers in this book are multiple, but preeminently as a morning devotional uplift." Leland Ryken, professor emeritus, Wheaton College; author

  • Title

    A Pastor Prays for His People

  • Author(s)

    Wendell C Hawley

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Topic


  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


  • Published


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Wendell C Hawley

Wendell C Hawley

Wendell C. Hawley's ministerial experience has included international evangelistic efforts and pastorates in Eugene and Portland, Oregon and most recently, he has served on the pastoral staff of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois. A United States Army Reserve officer for twenty-eight years, Chaplain (Col.) Hawley served on active duty in Vietnam. A bridge in that country bears the name "Chaplain Hawley Friendship Bridge" in appreciation for his supportive work among hundreds of orphans.

Dr. Hawley has three daughters and eleven grandchildren, and lives with his wife, Nancy, in Carol Stream, Illinois.

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