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Bitesize Biographies Set

6 Pack

Tim Chester


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Bitesize Biographies Set

6 Pack

Tim Chester



A set of six bitesize biographies written by Tim Chester, containing the dynamic historical stories of key figures in church history:

Aidan of Lindisfarne

John Wycliffe

Lady Jane Grey

Mary Jones

Thomas Cranmer

William Tyndale


“The stories of the lives of God’s people are central to his work in history. As the many mini-biographies and numerous names in Scripture testify, God is interested in the men and women and children his hands have created, their lives and their aspirations, and he longs for them each to know him and live for his glory. Little wonder, then, that God has used the writing and reading of such biographies for the edification of his people and the furtherance of his kingdom and the promotion of his glory. Here we have six such mini-biographies: their lives run over the course of a thousand years in differing worlds and with differing personalities, but all six of them saints and each of them a monument to divine grace. Read, and be blessed!”

Michael Haykin, Chair and professor of church history, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary & Director of Newton House, Oxford.

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Tim Chester

Tim Chester

Tim Chester is a pastor at Grace Church, Boroughbridge, UK, a tutor with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy, and is the author of over 30 books. He has a PhD in theology and was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund UK. He has been an adjunct lecturer in missiology and reformed spirituality. Tim is married to Helen and has two daughters.

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5.0 based on 1 review

Bitesize Biographies Set

Biographies are wonderful food for the soul. They introduce you to people, take you to different places and times right at the tip of your finger. But if you are one of the many who share the interest but can’t take the time for hundreds of page studies, Bitesize Biographies from Evangelical Press is for you. These biographies offer comprehensive yet concise acquaintance with Christians who have made a difference, left an impact, and whose lives serve as inspiration to us all. This particular set that I have is composed of six booklets all written by Dr. Tim Chester. Thomas Cranmer, William Tyndale, Mary Jones, Lady Jane Grey, John Wycliffe, and Aidan of Lindisfarne—I have already heard of them before and know a thing or two about them. But these booklets have properly acquainted me with these prominent Christians that I call “history makers.” Dr. Chester is an eloquent writer. He knows what he is writing and he writes them masterfully. The accounts are well–rounded and each is presented in a very engaging way. I particularly enjoyed reading about Aidan of Lindisfarne. Of all the six figures, he is the only one whom I know very little about. Evangelical Press’ Bitesize Biographies are very refreshing and enjoyable to read. The presentation is very straightforward, and with this format, it is very easy to distribute for group studies. An anthology in a hardback book format would be excellent.

Marc Daniel Rivera

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