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How Then Should We Worship?

The Regulative Principle and Required Parts of the Church's Corporate Worship

Samuel E Waldron


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How Then Should We Worship?

The Regulative Principle and Required Parts of the Church's Corporate Worship

Samuel E Waldron



How then Should We Worship? sets out guidelines for a distinctively Reformed pattern of worship, according to the regulative principle of the church.


Selected Commendations:

"How should we worship on a Sunday? Dr. Waldron’s answer is Scriptural, sensible, systematic, and (sometimes) strong. Is there a case for a regulative principle of worship? Read this book and find out."

Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia SC, Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

"In the milieu of the worship wars that has taken place over the past three-four decades, a scriptural voice of sanctified reasoning calls out to the church today from Dr. Sam Waldron. With a masterly grasp of the Holy Scriptures and a keen understanding of the religious landscape, the reader is given a balanced and full-orbed prescription for worship from both the Old and New Testaments. I heartily commend How Then Should We Worship?, which will thoroughly instruct us in how to worship God acceptably."

Earl M. Blackburn, Senior Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana

Why do we care so much about how the church worships? Sam Waldron answers that question providing a strong defense of historic Reformed worship, its regulative principle, its authorized elements, and related issues. He writes for a Reformed Baptist audience, yet his argument is important for all serious disciples of Christ. It makes all the difference in the world if worship is conducted “according to Scripture” rather than “according to preference.” This is a work that deserves careful consideration from all those who wish their form of worship to be more, rather than less, pleasing to God.

Dr. Terry L. Johnson, Senior Minister, Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, GA

I would want to use this text in a seminary level course yet for local church teaching as well. It is very readable and thorough. You will be well instructed, challenged, perhaps corrected, perhaps affirmed by this book. But you will have to read it to find out! As Dr. Waldron might ask: “Are you open to that?” This is a very needed work today for clarity between positions, for the hope of greater unity in Christ’s local church, and for a more irenic and civil discussion between parties involved. To God’s glory alone.

Pastor Fred A. Malone, Author of The Baptism of Disciples Alone, Professor of Pastoral Theology, CBTS, IRBS

  • Title

    How Then Should We Worship?

  • Author(s)

    Samuel E Waldron

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Topic


  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Published


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Samuel E Waldron

Samuel E Waldron

Dr. Samuel E. Waldron is Professor of Systematic Theology and the Dean of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Waldron received a B.A. from Cornerstone University, completed studies equivalent to an M. Div. at Trinity Ministerial Academy, obtained a Th.M. from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and attained a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. From 1977 to 2001 he was one of the pastors of the Reformed Baptist Church of Grand Rapids, MI. He is now one of the pastors of Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Owensboro, KY.

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Overall rating

1.0 based on 1 review

I had not bought a bad book from 10ofthose until I bought this one.

This book does not deserve to be stocked by 10ofthose. The subject of the regulative principle is of interest to me but the argument in the book is an appauling example of eisegesis combined with biased and unnuanced understanding of historical, especially Puritan, theology. Waldron uses a stream of selective conscience and poor logic to support his personal preferences for some forms of worship and dislike of others. Don't buy it. (I submitted detailed feedback to 10ofthose in July 2024 and received a thoughtful response. In the mean time, this is my review).

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