The Introduction to this book includes these words: “One of the
greatest needs of the church in every age is to contemplate, know,
and love the glory of Christ in order to promote the spread of the
gospel and the holiness of God’s people. Yet this all-encompassing
vision of Jesus Christ in Christian faith and life is not always
common and it is often missing today.” One book cannot be
expected to meet all the needs of the church in the vital area of
Christology, but these essays (originally given at the 2018 Spring
Theology Conference at Greenville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary) provide pastors and church members with the key ideas
surrounding the person of Christ. This is no isolated academic
The editors rightly say:
As the Puritan Isaac Ambrose (1604–1664) wrote, “The most
excellent subject to discourse or write of, is Jesus Christ …
Indeed all we say is but unsavory, if it be not seasoned with
this salt.” Jesus Christ is also the most excellent subject to
read and to prayerfully savor and meditate on. Doing so is
the true path to the blessedness of the world to come and
of joy and personal holiness in this life. Every glimpse we
have of Christ on earth brings heaven down to us so that
we might long to appear in heaven where Christ is seated.
Prayerfully reading these chapters will enrich your mind and provide
many glimpses of Christ that will increase your longing for him.
David's Son and David's Lord
Adults, Church Leaders