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Living the Christian Life in Today's World

John Blanchard


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Living the Christian Life in Today's World

John Blanchard



10+ for £4.19 each (saving 40%)

25+ for £1.00 each (saving 86%)

This entirely new book from John Blanchard is a guide to living the Christian life in today’s world. It’s written for new Christians, but see the commendations below for wider use!

What others are saying about Unwrapped!:

"Clear. Concise. Comprehensive. Unwrapped is a great starting point for new Christians, but also a lovely fresher for long-standing believers. It’s packed full of foundational information and practical advice, but it will also warm your heart. A delight."
Tim Chester is the pastor of Grace Church Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire and Chairman of the Keswick Convention

"Biblical, comprehensive and practical, this is a very welcome addition to the small number of books available for those who have recently become Christians. It is ideal to give to a new Christian, but also to be read by any believer who wants to be reminded of the great blessings and ongoing duties of the Christian life."
— Rev. Jeremy Bailey, Pastor of Bethlehem Evangelical Church, Port Talbot

"In this delightful little book John Blanchard meets and warmly welcomes believers who have freshly arrived in ‘another world’ that is the Christian life. He then sets out to be our tour guide of this glorious environment. Although he has lived in it for decades himself, a sense of the thrill of his own eyes being opened to the wonders of what the Lord has brought His people into, is palpable. He is no hackneyed, if knowledgeable, guide, but one whose personal excitement at being a new creation shines from every page. Building on a solid foundation of wonderfully helpful Biblical instruction, he combines memorable illustration with practical application and a sprinkling of adhesive alliteration to produce a concise but comprehensive survey of life in the Spirit. I look forward to giving this to friends who have awakened to a new life in Christ, and more than that, to walking the avenues and alleyways of the Christian worldview, mapped out for us here, with them."
Craig Dyer, Training Director, Christianity Explored Ministries

I highly commend Dr. John Blanchard’s newest book, Unwrapped! as a worthy addition to his previous volumes which have benefited so many because of his faithfulness to the Word of God, his appealing style and compelling clarity. This particular volume will send you, like it did me, further down the road of obedience to our Savior as it equips us to be in the world but not “of the world.” It also informs us how to tell the world of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is no friend to sin but a glorious friend for sinners."
Dr. Harry L. Reeder, III Sr. Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, AL, USA

  • Title


  • Author(s)

    John Blanchard

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Audience

    Adults, New Christian

  • Pages


  • Published


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John Blanchard

John Blanchard

John Blanchard was an internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist and author. He wrote 30 books, including two of Britain's most widely used evangelistic presentations, Right With God and the booklet Ultimate Questions. The latter has over fourteen million copies in print in about 60 languages. His major book Does God believe in Atheists?, published in 2000, was voted 'Best Christian Book' in the 2001 UK Christian Book Awards, and immediately became a best-seller, described as 'a brilliant defense of belief in God'. Other books he authored include: Truth for Life, Whatever Happened to Hell, Meet the Real Jesus, Beatitudes for Today, Major Points from the Minor Prophets and The Hitch-hiker's Guide to Heaven.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews


There is a paucity, not of books, but of good books for young Christians. We need books that are ‘entry level’ but not juvenile. We need books that are solid and thorough but not overwhelming for the new believer. Young believers need a book that will explain words like depravity, justification, propitiation, and so on. They need an overview of the Christian life which is lucid, informative, and which uses words everyone is familiar with. I want to be able to give young Christians a book in which they will find out about how to keep in touch with God, or about their responsibilities in the ongoing work of sanctification. This book would be a simple read for veteran Christians but— because it brings them back to basics—it will be helpful for them as well. But the primary target of the book would be the babe in Christ who needs a well–rounded, biblically–grounded introduction to his new life. This book will set out the contours of her new world and do so in a well–balanced way. I suppose I am looking for a book by John Blanchard because that is the kind of writing he customarily produces. And, I am happy to say, Unwrapped: Living the Christian Life in Today’s World is just the book I am looking for. I want to buy as many copies of this book as we can afford, pray that God would bring many, many converts our way, and I will hand them Unwrapped knowing that it is good, wholesome food for hungry young Christians. I hope they will keep the book on their shelves, for it will prove to be an excellent refresher course when they have been on the road for many a year.

Carl Muller, Banner of Truth


In this short book author covers all areas of Cristian life, it will be a great help to a new believer, especially how to “battle” the temptations and finding the right way. Highly recommend


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