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Does Life Have Any Meaning?

John Blanchard


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Does Life Have Any Meaning?

John Blanchard



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Searching for a meaning to life seems to be programmed into us as human beings. We may sometimes try to brush the subject aside, but time and again we still wonder whether there is any point in all our activities, experiences and emotions. Why are we here? What is life all about? Are we part of a bigger picture, or just specks of dust swirling around in a mindless universe? Where can we find a basis for morality or responsible behaviour of any kind? On what basis can we differentiate between good and bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair? Can we sail through life without moral responsibility of any kind? If we are nothing more than biological accidents, cobbled together from bits of our ancestors, what is the point in speaking about human values or the quality of life? These are big questions, and it makes no sense to ignore them.

In this short and very readable book, John Blanchard faces these questions and shows how the answers are more accessible than many think. He exposes the ‘double-think’ in many modern attitudes and deals with the ultimate reality—a reality that is quite literally life changing.

  • Title

    Does Life Have Any Meaning?

  • Author(s)

    John Blanchard

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  • Publisher

    Evangelical Press

  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


John Blanchard

John Blanchard

John Blanchard was an internationally known Christian preacher, teacher, apologist and author. He wrote 30 books, including two of Britain's most widely used evangelistic presentations, Right With God and the booklet Ultimate Questions. The latter has over fourteen million copies in print in about 60 languages. His major book Does God believe in Atheists?, published in 2000, was voted 'Best Christian Book' in the 2001 UK Christian Book Awards, and immediately became a best-seller, described as 'a brilliant defense of belief in God'. Other books he authored include: Truth for Life, Whatever Happened to Hell, Meet the Real Jesus, Beatitudes for Today, Major Points from the Minor Prophets and The Hitch-hiker's Guide to Heaven.

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5.0 based on 1 review

Does Life Have Any Meaning?

When Jesus commissioned His disciples in Luke 24, He told them to proclaim His sufferings, His resurrection, repentance and forgiveness of sins. 'Does life have any meaning?' thoroughly covers each of those four ingredients of the gospel in an engaging, persuasive way. John Blanchard tackles with his usual thoroughness, the theories which have led to thoughts of meaninglessness. He deals with the issues of what life is about, what is the basis for morality, where have we come from and whether there is any ultimate meaning to anything. He has mastered his subject so that his succinct arguments with the atheists and disillusioned can be devastating, even caustic, but never embarrassing. He exposes the duplicity of atheistic arguments before explaining the validity and significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. He quotes from a wide variety of sources with both illustrations and quotations, but many of the best one-liners are his own, e.g. 'statements by scientists are not necessarily scientific statements', or, in the lead in to Philippians 2:10-11, 'you will glorify God sooner or later'. In the U.K. we are very privileged to have a variety of evangelistic books, which are weapons in our armoury to be used in reaching others. This is a new one, which I wholeheartedly recommend. It will be a regular title on my own bookstall, and I have in mind thinking people for whom this is a gem to share. A Christian will enjoy these 88 pages, but it is ideal to give away to thinking non-Christians and I hope will be enthusiastically distributed to those who feel life has no meaning.

Roger Carswell

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