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True Love

What the Bible Says About Relationships and Marriage

Liz Jones and Chris Richards


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True Love

What the Bible Says About Relationships and Marriage

Liz Jones and Chris Richards


Here are just a few of the messages that young people today are constantly exposed to:

• You’re missing out if you don’t have sex
• Marriage is out of date
• Casual sex is OK
• Sex is the goal of a night–out
• Sex is all about me and my satisfaction
• Sex can be experienced without consequences
• There are no rights and wrongs in relationships, just what we prefer
• Sex is a means of securing love

This book shows these things to be the half–truths and lies that they are, and points young people to what the Bible teaches. Singleness and marriage are shown to be God’s gifts and ‘going out’ something that can be done in a God–honouring way. The temptations – pornography, masturbation, homosexuality and social networking – are discussed. There is practical pastoral help in a section ‘What to do if you have made mistakes.’ The authors are the founders of Lovewise, a charity which seeks to help schools and youth groups by providing presentations on the subjects of marriage, sex and relationships from a Christian perspective.

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Liz Jones

Liz Jones

Dr Liz Jones is a paediatric doctor. Together with Dr Chris Richards, she founded Lovewise, which provides and presents material for young people on the subject of marriage and sexual purity from a Christian perspective.

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Chris Richards

Chris Richards

Dr Chris Richards is a consultant paediatrician. Since its establishment in 2008 he has directed the Tyneside Pregnancy Advice Centre, which provides an ultrasound–supported advice service to woman in crisis pregnancy in Newcastle upon Tyne. He is an elder of All Saints Presbyterian Church. He is also director of Lovewise, which provides and presents material for young people on the subject of marriage and sexual purity from a Christian perspective. He is author of a number of books including Growing up God’s Way and True Love. He is married to Alison and they have seven children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

True Love

This is an excellent book which can be read in less than 2 hours. It is aimed at teenagers (14+) and young adults but I would also recommend it to adults who want a short, easy to read, clear presentation of what the Bible teaches on the subjects or relationships, marriage and sex. The book clearly lays out God’s design for relationships, the benefits of following his ways and some of the consequences of following what society around us tells us. It provides really helpful biblical perspectives on singleness and marriage, presenting the positives of singleness as well as the struggles along with the benefits and struggles of being married. It addresses the pressure young people are put under by the media and social networking and their peers that life is all about sex and sex is all about personal satisfaction! As the book says even “Marriage has been redefined in terms of personal fulfilment rather than the promise of faithful and sacrificial love”. The book also covers some of the more tricky topics such as pornography and masturbation and gives clear biblical advice on how to avoid sexual temptation. Throughout the book there are bible references and real life stories of young people and their experiences. In my opinion as a parent, youth leader and a paediatrician this book is essential reading for all Christian young people and anyone involved with young people.

Julie Maxwell

Essential reading for teenagers and young adults

This is an excellent book which can be read in less than 2 hours. It is aimed at teenagers (14+) and young adults but I would also recommend it to adults who want a short, easy to read, clear presentation of what the Bible teaches on the subjects or relationships, marriage and sex. The book clearly lays out God’s design for relationships, the benefits of following his ways and some of the consequences of following what society around us tells us. It provides really helpful biblical perspectives on singleness and marriage, presenting the positives of singleness as well as the struggles along with the benefits and struggles of being married. It addresses the pressure young people are put under by the media and social networking and their peers that life is all about sex and sex is all about personal satisfaction! As the book says even “Marriage has been redefined in terms of personal fulfilment rather than the promise of faithful and sacrificial love”. The book also covers some of the more tricky topics such as pornography and masturbation and gives clear biblical advice on how to avoid sexual temptation. Throughout the book there are bible references and real life stories of young people and their experiences. In my opinion as a parent, youth leader and a paediatrician this book is essential reading for all Christian young people and anyone involved with young people.

Julie Maxwell

Also in this series

Growing Up God's Way - For Boys
Marriage God's Way
True Love Interactive Bible Study - Leader's Handbook
Growing Up God's Way - For Girls
True Love Interactive Bible Study - Student Handbook
Growing Up God's Way 2 Pack

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