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When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend

Reflections on Life and Ministry with Depression

Mark Meynell



When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend

Reflections on Life and Ministry with Depression

Mark Meynell


When Mark Meynell spoke in a central London church, more than 1,500 hung on to his every word. What they couldn't have known was that their minister was terrified of being laid bare in public. Fear of shame and exposure is crippling, even if, as in Mark's case, the sufferer is innocent. And it's one of the most devastating elements of depression, although certainly not the only one. Mark invites us into the darkness of his cave. We relive significant moments from boarding school, Uganda, Berlin and London. We visit the Psalms, Job and The Pilgrim's Progress. If you're after neat conclusions and a fair-weather faith, this is not for you. This book serves up gritty reality and raw honesty, but also the heartfelt hope that the author's brokenness 'can somehow contribute to another person's integration' and 'inspire their clinging while beset by darkness or fog or blizzards'.

'A thoughtful and courageous book, which reflects on what it means to live as a Christian with depression. Writing from experience, Mark navigates us through the darkness of despair, and shines gospel light on issues such as shame, guilt and fear. As we journey with him we are reminded that we are not alone - and pointed to a Saviour who brings us purpose, grace and hope.' - Emma Scrivener, author, blogger and speaker

  • Title

    When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend

  • Author(s)

    Mark Meynell

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  • Topic

    Anxiety & Mental Health

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Mark Meynell

Mark Meynell

Mark Meynell is Associate Director (Europe & Caribbean) of Langham Preaching and part-time Whitehall Chaplain for HM Treasury, HMRC & the Cabinet Office. He is an ordained minister in the Church of England, and was previously on the senior ministry team of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, UK. He also has experience in theological education having taught at a small seminary in Kampala, Uganda for four years after being in student ministry for churches in the UK. Mark and his wife, Rachel, have two children.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend

You must read this book. Mark writes in his usual engaging manner with raw honesty, deep insight and courageous vulnerability. This book is a must read for anyone who is walking the road of mental illness or who walks alongside those who do. Mark's candid and winsome explanation of life 'in the cave' is deeply moving. In reading this book you will be given the privilege of a window in to one man's deepest pain. In allowing you this remarkable opportunity, no doubt at great cost to himself, Mark offers the reader understanding, companionship and hope. This book doesn't offer the tidy answers we might desire. In refusing to give in to trite platitudes Mark allows the reader to remove their mask, engage with their deepest questions and in the end to be driven to Christ where we find the one who truly walks with us in the cave. Buy and read this book, you won't regret it.

Connie Keep

When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend

When darkness seems my closest friend' is not the illusive quick fix for the depressed. Nor is it a manual for those wanting to be a Job's comforter. You will search in vain for platitudes, programmes or psychological props. Rather, like C.S.Lewis' 'A grief observed' it is a springboard from honest autobiography to (in this case) a realistic analysis of the tangible shadow that depression casts. With understanding and compassion Mark Meynell undergirds the sufferer with a confidence in the Lord, who sometimes appears to work against Himself in our lives. It is compelling yet practical reading, written with integrity, warmth and trust in Christ, who is the High Priest in touch with our reality. All who read this will feel deeply indebted to Mark Meynell, and to God who has taught him so much in the blizzard of suffering.

Roger Carswell

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