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What Kind of God?

Responding to 10 popular accusations

Michael Ots



What Kind of God?

Responding to 10 popular accusations

Michael Ots


This book started life as a series of lunchtime talks to non–Christians, and the author has taken on board further questions and discussions along the way. Here is an attempt to answer real, and often difficult, questions honestly.

‘Most of the questions I get asked are about God himself, and not so much about his existence as his character,’ explains Michael Ots. ‘What kind of God is he? How can he be good when he authorizes war, allows suffering, represses our sexuality, punishes his own Son, and excludes people on the basis of their beliefs, condemning them to hell?’

  • Title

    What Kind of God?

  • Author(s)

    Michael Ots

  • ISBN


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  • Audience

    Adults, Enquirer / Seeker

  • Pages


  • Published


Michael Ots

Michael Ots

Michael Ots is a speaker and author. He travels widely around the UK, Europe, and Eurasia speaking mainly on university campuses around issues of life and faith. He is the author of four books, including Making Sense of Life.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

What Kind of God?

I found this book very easy to read, clearly explains the Christian message about God, and was helpful in making us re–think and understand many of the popular misconceptions and issues we may have about Christianity. Clearly thought out, and explained in terms that a person unfamiliar with Christianity can connect with. Well reasoned with good arguments and examples from Michael’s own experience…well worth the time to read and think through.

G Vosper

What Kind of God?

I recommend this book to everyone. I read it twice as it’s really easy to read and engaging. Read it and pass it on.. it will get you thinking, give you clear answers and point you to Jesus.


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