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The Trinity

Union Essentials

Donald Fairbairn



The Trinity

Union Essentials

Donald Fairbairn


One day, history—events in time and space—will give way to eternity. And the end of all things will mark a new beginning. ... God’s work with the human race in time and space has been, and continues to be, a series of new beginnings.

At every point, the Trinity is central, for God’s relationship to his Son and his Spirit stands behind everything about his relationship to us. Starting from before time began, Donald Fairbairn leads us through these beginnings, shedding fresh light on the Trinity at each stage. He offers clues and questions along the way, inviting us to join in the discovery process.

Beautifully written so that even a young believer can benefit, this book leads us to worship the Father, Son, and Spirit as it enhances our appreciation of our wonderful, Trinitarian gospel.

Selected Commendations:

"This little book opens a window to the vast and panoramic reality of the Triune God behind the entire world, before creation itself, and beneath the gospel as its sure foundation."

Fred Sanders, Torrey Honors College, Biola University, and author of The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything

"Step by step, Donald Fairbairn introduces us to the essential doctrine of the Trinity. While many shy away from it because of its supposed complexity, Fairbairn demonstrates how accessible and vital it is for the Christian. If you are looking for a history of the debates and dogmatic conflicts, you won't find it here. But you will find a clearly constructed case that confines itself to what the Bible says (apart from contemporary allusions to Tolkien et al!). This is a great starting point for understanding."

Dr Derek Tidball, speaker, Bible teacher, and author

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Donald Fairbairn

Donald Fairbairn

Donald Fairbairn is Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Union School of Theology, and Robert E. Cooley Professor of Early Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of Life in the Trinity: An Introduction to Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers.

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Overall rating

4.3 based on 3 reviews

The Trinity

The ‘Essentials Series’ by Union Publishing is a helpful series of short books on doctrine, written in a clear and simple format and covering the most basic and foundational tenets of the Christian faith.

In this latest book ‘The Trinity,’ Donald Fairbairn explores the often misunderstood mystery of the triune God.

There are some helpful questions for reflection and discussion at the end of each chapter, which would make this book ideal for a small group setting.

In conclusion, ‘The Trinity’ by Donald Fairbairn is a very well-written and much needed resource on the often misunderstood doctrine of the Trinity.

Gareth Dicks, @biblebookstheology

The Trinity

In this short book, in a relaxed & accessible style, Donald Fairbairn illustrates the centrality of the Triune nature of God in the story of redemption, showing “that the Trinity is right at the heart of everything”, leading the reader to a deeper sense of worship and a more robust and complete doxology.

This book is ideal for those who find it difficult to understand and/or articulate truths about the Trinity, and who struggle to see the practicality of the Trinity in their daily Christian life. This would be of value for those who have a distorted view of the Trinity e.g., Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims & Mormons.

Craig Green, Reformed and Reading

Superb starting point

Yet another good book from the Union family. This is the simplest book I have read on the Trinity. And it is superb. Avoiding all theological jargon, the author focuses on the Big Picture passages of the Bible to demonstrate a good number of trinitarian truths. This is a brilliant first step to seeing the Trinity as clear in, and central to, the Bible.

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