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Six Hours That Changed The World

Colin S Smith



Six Hours That Changed The World

Colin S Smith



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Jesus was crucified at 9 in the morning. He died at 3 in the afternoon. What happened during these 6 hours changed the world.

Experience the first Easter with this high-quality short devotional.

Walking us through the seven ‘words’ of Jesus from the Cross, Pastor Colin Smith explains the gospel in a simple and compelling way.

Laid out in an attractive and clear format, there are prayers at the end of each section as well as space to write your own reflections. Perfect to read during Holy Week, and ideal to give away to others. 

  • Title

    Six Hours That Changed The World

  • Author(s)

    Colin S Smith

  • Series

    Open The Bible UK

  • ISBN


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  • Publisher

    Open the Bible UK

  • Topic


  • Audience


Colin S Smith

Colin S Smith

Colin S. Smith is a United States evangelical pastor and author. Smith is currently the senior pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Illinois, where he has been since 1996. The Orchard Evangelical Free Church has five campus locations: Arlington Heights, Barrington, Itasca, Marengo, and Northfield.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 2 reviews

Excellent shortish tract

Its a fresh take on the cross. Beautifully produced, easy and compelling 12 minute read. It conveys so many key gospel concepts in a very short space. Ive ordered several and will give them to a number of fringe church attenders and to those who I think would read something brief explaining the cross. Thankyou Colin Smith.

Six Hours That Changed The World

This 27–page account of Jesus’ time of suffering on the cross, focusing on the six hours leading up to his death, is covered in seven short chapters that focus the reader on the culmination of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the hope for all believers in His saving grace. Focusing in turn on each of the six hours that started from 9am on the morning of Jesus’ crucifixion, Colin Smith provides a deeper explanation of the historical record by his exposition of the events and their true meaning for believers, with references to the fulfilment of prophesy and the inclusion of quotations from theologians which further enhance our understanding of the gospel message. The book has a year–round impact, and is not just for Easter–time, although it makes for compelling daily reading as an Easter devotional. Thanks specifically to my reading of the book at the time, my understanding of the mission of Jesus and His atoning work was greatly intensified when I saw the character who portrayed Him lifted up onto a cross during a live outdoor Easter passion play earlier this year. In that moment I realised fully that Jesus bore our sins and I became aware like never before of the suffering He endured in order to be our sin bearer. The book’s all–encompassing spiritual reach is a constant reminder of our need to visit the gospel daily. Colin Smith’s overall message is powerfully developed and expanded by his precise observations, conclusions and encouragement, which, combined with Bible passages, opportunities for reflection and end–of–chapter prayers, equip the believer and the not–yet–believer with an understanding of the true and full reasons why Jesus came to earth and how He completely accomplished all that He was sent to do and how we can share in it. These words from Colin Smith are worth re–reading every day: “Faith joins you to Jesus, and when you are His, God counts all that He accomplished as yours. When Jesus is yours, you are forgiven, accepted and loved. You have already fulfilled all that God requires of you.” Absolutely mind–blowing!

Gary Gillespie

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