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God is God and You are You

Finding Confidence for Sharing Our Faith

Thomas Davis

God is God and You are You

Finding Confidence for Sharing Our Faith

Thomas Davis



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10+ for £7.79 each (saving 22%)

An uplifting, encouraging reminder that God works through his imperfect people.

Evangelism is crucial, it is urgent, it is exciting, it is wonderful. There is nothing more thrilling than to see God at work in people’s lives and to see men, women, boys and girls discovering the incredible joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus. 

But it is also hard. Really hard. Often, sharing our faith with other people is the area of our Christian lives where we feel at our most useless.

The Bible contains a wealth of theological truth that is a powerhouse of encouragement for evangelism, including the basic truths that God is God and you are you. God is who he has always been: infinite, eternal, unchangeable, all–powerful, at work in his world. You are you; you don’t need to become someone you are not. God has not called a select group of elite Christians to tell the world about Jesus; he has chosen his weak, insecure, ineloquent people. He has chosen you.

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