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How Christianity Transformed the World

Sharon James



How Christianity Transformed the World

Sharon James



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  • The positive influence of Christianity on society
  • A different theme in each chapter
  • Christ’s triumph throughout history

Many people today would say that Christianity has done more harm than good to our world. Sharon James argues, however, in seeking to love their neighbour and reflect God’s moral character the followers of Jesus have had a largely positive impact on our society. James takes a number of areas – education, healthcare, justice, human dignity – and traces the ways in which these benefits have spread with the gospel.

  • Title

    How Christianity Transformed the World

  • Author(s)

    Sharon James

  • ISBN


  • Format


  • Publisher

    Christian Focus Publications

  • Audience


  • Pages


  • Published


Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

How Christianity Transformed the World

Sharon James presents a compelling case that numerous rights we take for granted, and institutions that have made our world a better place, have been won through the convictions and tireless efforts of individuals driven by Christian faith. Some of these areas I had expected, such as religious liberty, protecting life and the dignity of women. But I was overwhelmed by the number of Christians to whom we owe a huge debt for their legacy of philanthropy, improvements in healthcare, and education for all. James’s emphasis is largely, though not exclusively, on the United Kingdom, and it warmed the heart to see the ways in which this country has been blessed over the centuries by individuals who put their faith into action.

Michael Smith

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