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Equipping for Life

A Guide for New, Aspiring, and Struggling Parents

Marny Köstenberger

Equipping for Life

A Guide for New, Aspiring, and Struggling Parents

Marny Köstenberger


Being a parent is one of the greatest joys, privileges, and responsibilities with which God has entrusted us. Sadly, we live in a culture that in many ways diminishes the role of a parent and the task of parenting. Often the not-so-subtle message is that a career or some other avenue of self-realization is superior to the so-called dull and dreary drudgery of raising children. Andreas and Margaret Kostenberger dig into their experience of raising their own children, inviting you into the vision they cultivated in their family: raising children as a gift from God, to the glory of God.

Their book is split into three sections:
Realistic Parenting - Waking up to the real world of parenting
Relational Parenting - Loving your children
Responsible Parenting - Guiding your children towards responsible adulthood

Looking at topics from feeling overwhelmed to fostering your child's relationship with God, dealing with conflict to equipping them for life, this book is written with warmth and honesty by people who understand.

Marny Köstenberger

Marny Köstenberger

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