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Saved Personal Bible Study

Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts

Nancy Guthrie

Saved Personal Bible Study

Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts

Nancy Guthrie


Dive into the Book of Acts with this companion Bible Study to Nancy Guthrie’s book Saved

Over 17 lessons, the Saved Personal Bible Study will take you deep into the book of Acts so that you’ll be able to see clearly its connections to the Old Testament, the life and ministry of Jesus, and what is to come in the new creation. Designed to be used by those studying the book of Acts on their own or with a group, these carefully crafted questions on the text will prepare readers to get the most out of reading the corresponding chapter in the Saved book or viewing the corresponding session in the video series. 

Each study takes about 30–60 minutes per week and includes 9–12 questions on the text. The questions can be answered as briefly or thoroughly as the reader prefers. After completing the personal Bible study, readers will have a firm grip on the events of the initial spread of the gospel from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. 

Thoughtful and Accessible Bible Study: Companion to the book and video series, Saved, which walks through the 28 chapters of the book of Acts in 17 lessons

Written by Nancy Guthrie: Experienced Bible study curriculum writer, author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series and the award-winning book Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation 

Part of the Saved Suite of Products: Also includes the book, an extensive leader’s guide, and video series (sold separately)

  • Title

    Saved Personal Bible Study

  • Author(s)

    Nancy Guthrie

  • Series


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  • Bible Book


  • Audience

    Small Group, Adults

  • Pages


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Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie teaches the Bible at her home church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, as well as at conferences around the country and internationally, including her Biblical Theology Workshop for Women. She is the author of numerous books and the host of the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast with the Gospel Coalition. She and her husband founded Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child and are cohosts of the GriefShare video series.

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