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Aging with Grace

Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture

Susan Hunt, Sharon W Betters, Susan Hunt and Sharon W Betters

Aging with Grace

Flourishing in an Anti-Aging Culture

Susan Hunt, Sharon W Betters, Susan Hunt and Sharon W Betters



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There are many blessings that come with age: retirement, grandchildren, travel, and life experience. Today’s culture, however, marginalizes old age, often portraying it as burdensome and hopeless. Many older women can feel like an encumbrance rather than a blessing to their friends and family members. In response to these struggles, Sharon Betters and Susan Hunt encourage women to find hope through both real-life and biblical accounts of women who rediscovered gospel-rooted joy later in life. In each chapter, readers will be encouraged as they experience afresh a gospel that is big enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make every season of life significant and glorious.


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Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt is a mother and grandmother, a pastor’s wife, and the former Director of Women’s Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America. Holding a degree in Christian education from Columbia Theological Seminary, she has written a number of books, including several by Crossway.

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Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt is a mother and grandmother, a pastor’s wife, and the former Director of Women’s Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America. Holding a degree in Christian education from Columbia Theological Seminary, she has written a number of books, including several by Crossway.

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