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Arlo and the Great Big Cover-Up

Betsy Childs Howard

Arlo and the Great Big Cover-Up

Betsy Childs Howard




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With easy-to-understand language and engaging images,this book shows children ages 3–7 the freedom that comesthrough confessing sin rather than trying to cover it up.During naptime, Arlo colors on his bedroom wall and thentries desperately to hide his disobedience from his mother.His efforts fail, but he discovers relief that comes when hefinally confesses his sin. In the end, children will learn alongwith Arlo that although we cannot hide our sin from God,confession opens the door to mercy and reconciliation.

Betsy Childs Howard

Betsy Childs Howard

Betsy Childs Howard (MA, Beeson Divinity School) is an editor for the Gospel Coalition. She is the author of Seasons of Waiting and served as an editor for The New City Catechism. Betsy lives with her husband, Bernard, in Manhattan, where they planted Good Shepherd Anglican Church in 2017.

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