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Dwell on These Things (Bible Study Book with Video Access)

Transforming your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God's Word

Vera Schmitz and Natalie Abbott

Dwell on These Things (Bible Study Book with Video Access)

Transforming your Heart and Mind by Memorizing God's Word

Vera Schmitz and Natalie Abbott



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How would your life change if you could call Scripture to mind at a moment's notice to bring comfort, peace, and assurance? The good news is that God’s Word can be accessible 24/7 as you hide it in your heart.

In this 8-session Bible study, sisters Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz lead you through a study of Philippians 4:4-9 to teach you a simple method of memorizing God’s Word. As you fix these beloved verses in your mind through beautiful and powerful images, you’ll discover how to combat anxiety, experience the peace of God, and dwell on godly things. As you store up the deep truths and precious promises of this passage, you'll come to understand them in light of the greater context of the book of Philippians, and you’ll be equipped for a lifetime of inscribing the transforming truth of Scripture in your heart and mind.

Vera Schmitz

Vera Schmitz

Vera Schmitz is the author of Dwell Differently, wife to Matt and mother to three children. As chief creative officer of Dwell Differently, she loves watching how a verse can come alive artistically, and then seeing how it impacts the lives of the team, and readers.

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Natalie Abbott

Natalie Abbott

Natalie Abbott is the author of Dwell Differently alongside her sister Vera Schmitz. She is married to Jason and is a mother to five children. From day-to-day you'll find her writing for the Dwell Differently blog and hosting Dwell podcast.

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