In the increasingly secular age in which we live, it is all too easy to forget that the major disciplines of science were founded by men of broadly Christian convictions. Their names are perhaps familiar to us – Boyle, Ray, Hooke, Newton, Faraday – but there is often an embarrassed silence concerning the spiritual beliefs that motivated these scientific giants. Like the astronomer, Kepler, these men perceived that in their scientific insights they were ‘thinking God’s thoughts after him’. Today, however, there is a sense of collective amnesia about the religious motivations of these men. Over the last two or three centuries, science has become almost completely disconnected from its biblical roots, with the result that the academic culture in which science is practiced today is one of tacit – if not explicit – atheism. Nowhere is this more evident than in the scientific study of how the universe began and developed – the field of origins.
This book has been written in the conviction that the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis – the Bible’s book of beginnings – provide a trustworthy and accurate account of the early history of the universe.
‘Paul Garner in this book presents a cohesive scientific model for origins from a Biblical perspective. Whilst not primarily being an exegetical / theological book, where necessary Paul refers us to other creationist material which establishes the young earth position from the Biblical text and then moves to his main purpose which is to show that the science agrees with the Biblical view not just in isolated instances but so thoroughly as to give a robust structure and basis for a number of scientific disciplines, and primarily in astronomy and geology. Paul is a well respected geologist by training and shows that the geological column can readily be understood in terms of Creation basement rocks followed by Flood deposits and finally by post flood settling movements with a single ice age scouring much off the Northern hemisphere. He ably deals with the issue of radioisotope dating bringing in the recent remarkable findings of flood geologists concerning the evidence of accelerated radioactive decay. Paul achieves his aim well of demonstrating that the great thrust of the scientific data fits well with the young earth creation perspective obtained by a natural reading of the Biblical text.’
Professor Andy McIntosh, Leeds
The New Creationism