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Center Church

Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City

Timothy Keller



Center Church

Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City

Timothy Keller




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In Center Church, Tim Keller outlines a broad theological vision that connects classical evangelical doctrine to holistic and vibrant ministry expression, particularly in globalised, urbanised settings.Many pastors struggle to translate their theological beliefs into fruitful ministry in the places they are called to reach. It is not enough to simply know what to believe (theology) or, on the other hand, how to do ministry (methodology)––they need something in between. They need help thinking about ministry in a culture that no longer believes Christianity is a force for good, let alone the source of ultimate revealed truth in the person of Christ. 

Center Church, a collection of twelve essays by Timothy Keller, outlines a theological vision for ministry that is organised around three core commitments:

– Gospel–centered: The gospel of grace in Jesus Christ changes everything, from our hearts to our community to the world. It completely reshapes the content, tone and strategy of all that we do.

– City–centered: With a positive approach toward our culture, we learn to affirm that cities are wonderful, strategic and underserved places for gospel ministry.

– Movement–centered: Instead of building our own tribe, we seek the prosperity and peace of our community as we are led by the Holy Spirit.

  • Title

    Center Church

  • Author(s)

    Timothy Keller

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  • Audience

    Church Leaders

  • Pages


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Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller (1950-2023) was an American pastor, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, theologian and Christian apologist. He was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, New York City, where he served for 34 years. He served as Chairman of Redeemer City to City, an organization which plants new churches throughout NYC and cities abroad, of which he was a co–founder.

Tim co–founded The Gospel Coalition, where he served as Vice President. As an author, he wrote the NYT best–sellers The Reason for God, The Prodigal God, The Meaning of Marriage, and more. He was married to Kathy Keller, with whom he had three sons. Tim died on May 19th, 2023 following a battle with pancreatic cancer.

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Overall rating

5.0 based on 1 review

Center Church

Initially I was struck by how big the book was! BUT I found this book very helpful in thinking about church, ministry, culture… it’s a well balanced book and leaves a lot of space for thought and reflection and he maps out his pattern of thought beautifully. I recommend this to everyone!


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