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Point to Jesus this Easter Webinar

We were so blessed to meet together for our Point to Jesus Webinar, discussing and sharing ideas and resources to help us point our young people, our congregations, and our community, to Jesus this Easter.

Watch the video, or check out the outline below, and make sure you’re ready to share Jesus this Easter.

We welcomed Glen Scrivener from Speak Life, author Robin Ham, Amy Smith from Faith in Kids, and Roger Carswell from the Association of Evangelists.

We have resource recommendations for each of the ideas, and as always, resources that point to Jesus, but at affordable prices.

Hosted by Tim Foster and Bethan Lycett

Outline and time stamps of the event shared below:

1:50 Glen Scrivener introduces the 321 course, how it works, and who it's for.

6:23 Glen Scrivener explains how to utilise social media for evangelism, and tells us about his next door neighbour coming to faith. He also explains how we can use our own networks, like WhatsApp, to share the gospel.

10:36 We recommend some resources for navigating lent with families.

11:54 How can we be encouraging our teens this lent? Younger teens would benefit from working through Marks Gospel with Jeremy McQuoid, or the Road Map to Jesus with Alistair Chalmers.

12:45 As usual we have a range of resources for individuals and churches to be working through, including this years new lent devotion Finding Mercy on Way of Sorrow.

13:42 Robin Ham explains why studying the book of Lamentations during lent aids our journey to the cross.

17:15 Robin Ham also has some great ideas for engaging the community this lent, including an online, live Bible study, where they hope to give out Bibles to many in their community, plus an evangelistic clothes swap event.

Other ideas for children and families this lent and include:

19:45 Pancake parties, a fun and interactive event which can really engage families at the start of the Easter season.

21:47 Lost sheep trails can be hosted inside or outside your church, or even across the wider community. We love to lean into the sheep and lamb theme to counter the bunnies and chicks, so we can proclaim Jesus, the lamb of God.

22:31 Easter experiences inside your church, or hosted by local schools are interactive stations which go through the key parts of the Biblical account of easter, and allow children to think through the cost of the cross, and also their need for a saviour.

23:01 Easter treasure hunts are a fun event which can be adapted to any theme, and make sure that x, the cross, marks the spot.

23:32 Amy Smith from Faith in Kids encourages us to be empowering families to disciple children at Easter and introduces us to the idea of utilising our family superpower; whether that be reading, Lego building, art, baking or the great outdoors.

26:42 Amy Smith also encourages us to leaning into the hard parts of the Easter story (death and punishment) with children, to ensure we don't lose the impact of why Easter in central to our faith, and how we move children beyond the basics.

29:34 Faith in Kids also have some wonderful resources available, including a new set of Sunday school lessons on four times Jesus explains Easter from John's gospel.

32:28 An easy children's giveaway is activity books, especially for any lent bags you may be handing out at your pancake parties.

33:01 We have a fantastic selection of children's giveaway story books, from just £1 a copy, which stick to the Biblical meaning of Easter, and are clear on the gospel, including this years new book, The Friends and the Traveller.

35:05 We always suggest that short, easy to read, books should be on hand for adults who attend your events, and this year we add to our favourites 12 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Easter. In a very easy to read style Bob Lepine talks through some fascinating facts relating to Easter traditions, and then seamlessly weaves in the true meaning of Easter, the Gospel.

36:54 We love to enable people to give away evangelistic resources widely, and our Easter Giveaway Box is a flavour of our Easter range, at an incredible discounted price.

37:39 Handing out Easter cards to friends, family and neighbours is a lovely way of highlighting the true meaning of Easter, and especially how important it is to us.

37:52 Easter tracts are also perfect for slipping into a card, or handing out in your local area.

39:27 Our good friend, evangelist Roger Carswell, would like churches to consider using an Easter 'carol' service to invite people into the church. By utilising traditional and well known hymns about the cross, alongside readings and a short gospel talk, this may be a different way to engage people in your community.

41:36 The Life Magazine for Spring and Summer 2024 is an ideal resource for giving away widely, and we now have the capacity to not only add your church details to the cover, but also have the covers resigned, and have them delivered by Royal Mail if that is helpful in you area.

Even if you're just ordering a handful for your neighbours, the gospel is shared through articles and personal testimonies, alongside general interest articles.

46:24 Above all other resources, we encourage both individuals and churches to have gospels, New Testaments and Bibles on hand to give away. We believe that the Word of God is living and active, and is at the heart of sharing our faith.

47:27 Now there are a number of follow up courses being recommended; how can you know which one is best suited to our church or friends? Each course has a different style, length and platform which means that you can find the most appropriate way to share the gospel in your setting.

51:31 10Giving is a new charity seeking to equip God's church with resources that Point to Jesus. Applications can be made to 10Giving for resource grants to assist your evangelism. You are also invited to give to 10Giving, also pray for the trustees and board who allocate funding to the applications.

53:29 Q&A

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