Sylvia Baker
Sylvia Baker is a biologist and part of the leadership of the ‘Christian Schools Trust’. She co-pioneered one of the oldest of the new independent Christian schools in the UK, working as a science teacher for twenty-seven years. Having obtained two biology degrees in the late 1960s, Sylvia completed her PhD in Education in 2010 (University of Warwick, UK). Then, as part of a research team, in association with Professor Leslie Francis of Warwick University, she investigated the outcomes of a Christ-centred education which takes creationism seriously. This led to her academic book, Swimming Against the Tide: The New Independent Christian Schools and their Teenage Pupils (2013). She continues to research the interplay between faith and education, with particular interest in science education. From 2011 to 2017, she was a Visiting Research Fellow at Glyndwr University. Sylvia has spoken on creation topics over many years and she authored the well-known booklet Bone of Contention.